Lámpara de pie para habitación infantil
Including Light Source
Warranty: 2 Year Limmited
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UL Electrical Certification
Support Returns And Exchanges Within 30days
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Lámpara de pie Agueda ∅ 11,8″
Save $280.00 (46.9%)
Lámpara de pie de bambú de ∅ 27,6″
Save $298.00 (50.42%)
Lámpara de pie Bola ∅ 15,7″
Save $80.00 (7.02%)
Lámpara de suelo Circulo Play
Save $512.00 (51.35%)
Lámpara de pie con batería incorporada Fantasy Astronaut
Save $481.00 (45.94%)
Lámpara de pie Green Apes ∅ 11,8″
Save $686.00 (49.11%)
Lámpara de mesa de latón con plumas de avestruz
Save $452.00 (45.34%)
Lámpara de pie con batería incorporada Space Bear ∅ 12,9 ″
Save $429.00 (50.18%)
Luz de piso del tanque 1
Save $456.00 (50.17%)
Lámpara de pie Wink
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Floor Lamps for Children’s Rooms: Bright Ideas for Playful Spaces
Lighting your child’s room should be more than functional. It can inspire imagination, create a soothing bedtime atmosphere, and add a playful touch to their favorite corner. Our children's room floor lamps bring these qualities together in one delightful package.
Creative Themes That Tell a Story
Every lamp in our collection is designed with children in mind. Think animal companions, space adventures, or pastel hues—there’s a theme to match any little dreamer’s imagination.
For a room that feels uniquely theirs, these lamps act as both decor and lighting essentials, making them the perfect blend of style and utility.
Practical Features Your Family Will Appreciate
- Soft, adjustable light settings to transition seamlessly from playtime to bedtime.
- Durable materials and stable bases to withstand daily use in an active household.
Why Choose LuxeHomeZone?
Our lamps focus on safety, creativity, and functionality. Crafted with kid-friendly materials, they offer peace of mind while bringing a playful personality to your child’s space. Whether it’s for bedtime stories or brightening play areas, our lamps are built to adapt to growing needs.